
LI Xianting
Tel: 86-10-62785860
Fax: 86-10-62773461
E-mail: [email protected]


Heating,  Ventilation and Air Conditioning

Numerical  Analysis on Air Flow

Refrigeration and  Thermal Storage System 


Ph.D in HVAC  Engineering, Dept. of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1995

B. Sc in HVAC  Engineering, Dept. of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1990 


Visiting  Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 11/2006-05/2007

Deputy Director,  Institute of Built Environment, Tsinghua University, 01/2006-present

Professor, Dept.  of Building Science, Tsinghua University, 12/2003-present

Associate  Professor,  Institute of Built Environment, Tsinghua  University,07/1997-11/2003

Lecturer,  Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, 07/1995-07/1997 


Since 1995, Dr.  Li has been the PI or Co-PI for more than 60 sponsored research  projects.


Numerical  Simulation on Indoor Air Flow ( graduate level)

Design of HVAC Project (undergraduate senior level)


National Natural  Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholar, China (2011)

Mao Yisheng  Technical Award for Distinguished Youth in Beijing (2007)

Support for  Excellent Talents in New Century, Ministry of Education, China(2005)  


Vice-President of  Commission E1, International Institute of Refrigeration

Vice-President of  Chinese Association of Refrigeration (CAR)

Vice Chair of  Commission V: Air conditioning and Heat Pump, CAR

Vice chair of  Beijing Association of Refrigeration

Administrator of  CAR-ASHRAE Beijing Group

Chair of  Commission of Ventilation, CCHVAC

Editorial Board  Member of Indoor and Built Environment, Journal of HVAC, Journal of  Refrigeration, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning etc.


    Up to now, Dr. Li has published 5 books or chapters in book, 60 journal  papers in English, 70 journal papers in Chinese, 40 conference papers in  English, 35 Chinese patents. Some of the publications are listed as  follows:

1. Yanshun Yu,  Xianting Li, Wenxing Shi, Zheng Wang. Modeling and application of  tailrace tunnel ventilation in hydropower station. China Science Press,  2010 (In Chinese).

2. Xianting Li,  Bin Zhao. Numerical Analysis on Indoor Air Flow. China Machine Press,  2009 (In Chinese).

3. Xianting Li,  Hao Cai, Lina Zhao. Chapter 1: Antiterrorist Emergency Ventilation:  System, Strategy and Decision-Making (72 pages) in “Terrorism Issues:  Threat Assessment, Consequences and Prevention”. Editor: Albert W.  Merkidze, ISBN 978-1-60021-929-0, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2008.

4. Xianting Li,  Wenxing Shi et al.Built Environment Science,China Architecture &  Building Publishing House, 2006 (In Chinese).

5. Xianting Li,  Wei Wu, Xiaoling. Zhang, Wenxing. Shi, Baolong Wang. Energy saving  potential of low temperature hot water system based on air source  absorption heat pump. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012,48:317-324

6. Xianting Li,  Xiaoliang Shao, Xiaojun Ma, Yuanhui Zhang, and Hao Cai. A numerical  method to determine the steady state distribution of passive contaminant  in generic ventilation systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011,  192(1): 139–149

7. Xianting Li,  Fenfei Zhu. Response Coefficient: A New Concept to Evaluate Ventilation  Performance with "Pulse'' Boundary Conditions.Indoor and built  environment,2009, 18(3): 189-204

8. Xianting Li,  Jiujiu Chen. Evolution of contaminant distribution at steady airflow  field with an arbitrary initial condition in ventilated space.  Atmospheric Environment,Atmospheric Environment, 2008, 42(28): 6775-6784

9. Baolong Wang,  Xianting Li, Wenxing Shi, Qisen Yan. Design of experimental bench and  internal pressure measurement of scroll compressor with refrigerant  injection. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2007, 30(1): 179-186.

10. Xiaojun Ma,  Xiaoliang Shao, Xianting Li, Yiwei Lin. An analytical expression for  transient distribution of passive contaminant under steady flow field.  Building and Environment, 2012, 52:98-106.

11. Hao Cai,  Weiding Long, Xianting Li, Lingjuan Kong, Shuang Xiong. Decision  analysis of emergency ventilation and evacuation strategies against  suddenly released contaminant indoors by considering the uncertainty of  source locations[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials,  2010,178(1-3):101-114.

12. Hao Cai,  Weiding Long, Xianting Li, Barker Douglas. Evaluating emergency  ventilation strategies under different contaminant source locations and  evacuationmodes by efficiency factor of contaminant source (EFCS)[J].  Building and Environment, 2010, 45(2): 485-497.

13. Baolong Wang,  Wenxing Shi, Xianting Li. Numerical analysis on the effects of  refrigerant injection on the scroll compressor[J], Applied Thermal  Engineering, 2009, 29 (1): 37-46.

14. Shuangquan  Shao, Wenxing Shi, Xianting Li, et al. Simulation model for complex  refrigeration systems based on two-phase fluid network - part I: model  development[J], International Journal of Refrigeration, 2008, 31(3):  490-499.

15. Wenxing Shi,  Shuangquan Shao, Xianting Li, et al. Simulation model for complex  refrigeration systems based on two-phase fluid network - part II: model  application[J], International Journal of Refrigeration, 2008, 31(3):  500-509.

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